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This fascinating book ISBN 978-0-9805867-1-8 was purchased by me back in 2009 off Ebay and has provided me with invaluable facts to help me research and write-up my collection. I have been puzzled why this excellent book should quickly disappear from the market place after publication and wonder if it could have been suppressed for any reason? The book does get a bit political in later chapters in putting the Clunies-Ross position in dealings with the Australian Government.
2017-01-12 12:23
After talking to Publishing friends I have been told that the absence of the book on the Literary markets may simply be that it was a low print run and is currently unavailable. So a rare book?
[Last edited by criddell, 2017-01-13 11:16]
2017-01-12 22:59
Posts: 111
I think it is unlikely that a book would be suppressed by the Australian (or any other Western) Government, if only because there would be an uproar if it became known. Your friends are probably right.
2017-02-12 18:31