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Posts: 70
Quoting "Daily Post" Port Vila from Oct. 12, 2019:
"The 9th of October every year is the United Nations declared World Post Day.
Though the Universal Postal Union (UPU) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN), the UPU itself is older than the UN.
This year marks the 145th anniversary of the organization. To this day the UPU has 192 member nations.
The Vanuatu Post Limited (VPL) staff celebrated the day by decorating the post office and showcasing the stamps of Vanuatu dating back to the early days when missionaries in the then New Hebridies sent letters back to their families from 1840 to 1853." ........

According to my freind Fred Petit in Port Vila the event was a rather poor one: a poor display, almost no communication and no special cancellation.

But apparently no stamp on a letter was needed on that day. He sent me three letters - all with a cancel on fornt and on reverse but no stamp and not taxed.
Please see the attached image.

Greetings from Germany
2019-10-31 09:51