PISC Discussion Forums

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Posts: 77
I notice Gibbons have a new WP catalogue being issued later this month @ £27.95 + shipping.

The catalogue contains:
•Gilbert and Ellice Islands
•New Guinea (German New Guinea, Australian Occupation)
•Papua (British New Guinea)
•Papua New Guinea
•Solomon Islands
•Tonga (and Niuafo’ou)
•New Hebrides

New issue listings updated as follows:
•Fiji (to July 2012)
•Kiribati (to September 2012)
•Nauru (to April 2011)
•Papua New Guinea (to November 2012)
•Solomon Islands
•Tuvalu (to August 2010)
•Vanuatu (to June 2013)

Link to Gibbons page

Must be one of the longest links ever!!!!!!!!!!!
2014-01-02 15:22
Posts: 105
This catalogue has now been published. I received mine at the end of last week.

Not had chance to study it as yet - although it does seem to include Fiji issues up to 2013 contrary to the July 2012 date given in the advance publicity.
2014-02-12 12:36